Privacy Policy

Company Name:

INN THE PARK (hereinafter referred to as “our facility”) establishes the following privacy policy to provide services that customers can use with peace of mind by complying with laws, guidelines, and other norms related to personal information protection and by implementing and maintaining appropriate protection of personal information.

Scope of Collection and Use of Personal Information

This privacy policy applies when customers use our facility’s services. Our facility uses customers’ personal information to the minimum extent necessary for the following purposes:

  • To send and provide information about our facility’s services (preferential information, business information, etc.), events, etc.
  • To contact customers by phone, email, letter, etc., in response to inquiries received from customers
  • For statistical analysis to provide and improve services, within a range that does not identify individuals
  • For contact by phone, email, letter, etc., when our facility deems it necessary
Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with laws, guidelines, and other norms related to personal information.

Compliance with and Education on Internal Policies and Regulations

We will develop internal policies and regulations, and conduct internal education to ensure compliance.

Management System

We will appoint personal information handling managers in each department to establish an appropriate management system.

Implementation of Security Management

We will take necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent leakage, loss, destruction, theft, alteration, unauthorized access, etc., of personal information. We will also properly supervise our contractors.

Acquisition and Handling of Personal Information

We will acquire personal information through lawful and fair means and strive to keep it accurate and up-to-date.

Use of Personal Information

We will clarify the purpose of using personal information and handle it only to the extent necessary for business execution within the scope necessary to achieve that purpose.

Provision of Personal Information

We will not provide personal information to third parties without prior consent of the individual, except for measures exempted by law.

Disclosure, Correction, and Cessation of Use of Personal Information

If there is a request for disclosure, correction, cessation of use, etc., of personal information, we will respond based on prescribed procedures after confirming the identity of the person, except for measures exempted by law.

Implementation of Inspections and Audits

We will conduct regular inspections or audits related to personal information protection and continuously review and improve our management system and efforts.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

If there are any changes to the content of our facility’s privacy policy, we will notify you on this website.